速報APP / 房屋與房產 / Dez Daljit Mahal

Dez Daljit Mahal





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Victoria BC

Dez Daljit Mahal(圖1)-速報App

I have had the privilege of being born and raised in one of the most beautiful cities in Canada, Victoria, BC. I love this city with a passion and can attest to not only its climate and beauty, but also to the wonderful communities that live here. I know each neighbourhood, each municipality and each residential community like the back of my hand. I thrive to use my knowledge and affection for this city to help find the perfect home for my client’s and enable them to begin their lives as proud homeowners. It’s this passion that drives me to ensure that I exceed the expectations of my client’s, who trust me to represent them in one of the most important transactions of their lives – the purchase or sale of a beautiful home. As a REALTORS® I bring together, professionalism, commitment, honesty, integrity, communication skills, negotiation skills, complex problem-solving skills and superior customer service skills to provide my client’s with the best Real Estate experience. I also aim to make my client’s experiences as smooth and enjoyable as possible, while we navigate through the real estate market together.

Dez Daljit Mahal(圖2)-速報App

Dez Daljit Mahal(圖3)-速報App

Dez Daljit Mahal(圖4)-速報App